How Skilled Nursing Facilities Are Increasing Costs to the Healthcare System
As many may know, healthcare in the United States is one of the most expensive compared to countries abroad like Europe or Korea. We hear about patients falling into the donut hole all the time and about all the uninsured people who have no access to healthcare. So what is contributing to the skyrocketing prices of United States healthcare? One contributing cause is skilled nursing facilities which many people don’t think about. When people with no insurance or a stable access to healthcare get really sick, their only choice is to get treated at the emergency department. But that’s not the final stop for patients who need further treatment and rehabilitation.The emergency rooms only have so many spaces for patients so once an immediate problem is fixed, the patients have to go somewhere, and that’s usually a skilled nursing facility if they require further temporary medical care. Besides the immediate costs of the emergency room visit, patients end up having to pay for their temporary ...