Healthcare Prices on the Rise

In the United States today, we more for healthcare than any other country in the world. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, in 2015, U.S. healthcare spending increased 5.8% to reach a staggering $3.2 trillion, with $9,990 per person. However, they are no where close to providing the best healthcare in the world. There are many countries that provide much better healthcare than the U.S. yet they spend less than half of what the United States spends per person. One could argue many reasons of why this is the case but nothing can be 100% proven. Research has been done to study our healthcare system in comparison to other countries, however there are many variables making it difficult to find one specific cause for this,

One example of the many issues with our healthcare system is the exaggerated cost of medications. In one instance, a child found that his insulin was a huge burden on his parents, being $800 a month due to a high deductible causing them difficulty with affording it. Fox News reported that Dillon Hooley was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus at a young age and needed insulin to control his blood sugar levels. He was not taking it as prescribed and for that reason his levels increased to dangerously high levels that could have lead to more severe, complicated health problems. The long-term effects of DM are much more expensive to care for and treat and could even be deadly. As was the case for Antavia Worsham from Cincinatti, who couldn't afford her insulin and wasn't able to get it at all.

These are only a few examples of the problems with the healthcare system in the United States. Medications are extremely expensive, preventing people from affording their treatment. This leads to increased hospitalizations and emergency department visits, which are even more expensive and costly. Although there are many flaws in the healthcare system, it is improving every day with technology and new techniques that are introduced. Hopefully, with time, the health systems improve and the United States becomes one of the highest rated countries, in regards to healthcare, in the world.


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